
The Countdown Until Graduation Starts now. Are you Ready for Your job Search?

In nine months you will be a college graduate ready to take on the next challenge—finding a job and starting your career. Your summer internship turned into a job offer. Congrats. That’s huge. For the rest, recruiting for Wall Street, consulting and engineering firms, Teach for America, Venture for American, LinkedIn, rotational training programs and […]


taking control

Two Students. Two Different Job Search Outcomes

This is a story of two students. Both are graduating college this weekend. As freshman, each had an idea of the career they wanted to pursue and chose their majors accordingly. Each directed their on-campus activities to align with their careers and rose to leadership positions within the organizations. And both had summer internships in […]


10 things your resume is probably missing—that recruiters definitely want to see

Happy to have contributed to this article…. Your resume needs to have the nuts and bolts covered before you can expect a call for an interview. Daniel Bortz, Monster contributor You wouldn’t show up to a job interview half dressed or wearing last decade’s fashion choices—we hope not at least!—so why send out a resume […]

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