
Network on Your own Terms

I’m a so-so networker and truthfully, that’s progress for me. Never one to feel comfortable talking to people I don’t know, crowded noisy networking events— fuhgeddaboudit. It took starting my coaching practice and working with college students who needed help to get over their fears about networking  to get me to face my own. Like […]



You Won’t Get a Job Offer When You’re Not Heard or Understood and Other Telephone Interview Tips

Phone interviewing is unique. You can’t count on visual stimuli such as your good looks or power suits, eye contact or body language, to aid your presentation. Neither can you rely on visual signals to interpret the interviewer’s response. In this context, faceless conversation takes on an added dimension of importance. Both strengths and weakness, […]


joan and peggy

Mad Men’s Joan & Peggy Lean In

When I was assistant regional manager at The Gillette Company in the early ’80s, I tried to explain to the president why I was not going to relocate across the country again when the step up position was available in my region. I had already moved from San Francisco to Boston to Chicago for the […]

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