rt-janeJane Horowitz, principal

In her more than 30 years of hiring and management experience, Jane interviewed too many college graduates unprepared to make their transition from college student to an adult in the world of work. She also talked with hundreds of concerned parents who did not know how to help their children successfully navigate a job search. Still, these were confident, well-educated and talented college students who made a four-year investment and commitment to learning, and parents who were emotionally and financially invested in their child’s future: Both wanted to see their investment pay out.

Jane founded More Than A Resume´ to exclusively coach and champion college students, helping them land their first professional jobs and launch their careers.

Before starting More Than A Resumé Jane led marketing, strategy and operations for major companies and nonprofits, where she recruited, managed, and mentored professionals and administrative staff. She was chief operating officer (after serving as chief marketing officer) for the National Alliance for Health Information Technology, a start-up that Jane quickly helped become a major force in advancing the use of IT in healthcare. While at EinsonFreeman (now OgilvyAction), she led the agency’s strategic planning and spent two years at Diamond Management & Technology Consultants (now part of PWC).

Jane began her career in consumer marketing and sales, becoming the first woman to work for Gillette Co.’s flagship safety razor business, where she rose to assistant regional manager, responsible for 11 states. She also led promotion, packaging and point-of-sales activities for all of Quaker Oats’ pet food brands.

Jane received Reggie, Echo and CLIO awards, as well as the Martin Sorrell Integration Award and Promo Magazine’s Agency of the Year Award in recognition of her outstanding work.

Jane earned her coaching certification from the Coach Training Alliance and the International Coach Federation and is an MBTI® (Myers-Briggs) certified practitioner. Jane holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology and social psychology from Washington University in St. Louis.
